Fellowship of Labor Churches/Department of Mission and Bible Translations
"To see every community having the word of God in their mother tongue and being transformed through it and using their language for sustainable development"
Verse of the day
Jésus lui répondit:Tu aimeras le Seigneur, ton Dieu, de tout ton cœur, de toute ton âme, et de toute ta pensée. C’est le premier et le plus grand commandement. Et voici le second, qui lui est semblable: Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même.
Matthew 22:37The holy word of God is the spiritual food of our life; reading the words of God in your language during devotion is indispensable for believers. By reading the word of God, we can have a path to follow and receive God's direction in all things. Read the Bible verses on the word of God and selected relevant content, to understand the importance of the word of God to us.